The conference on the European Solidarity Corps in general and the project titled "Green Human Growth Project for Action" numbered 2020-2-FR02-ESC11-018080, which is being carried out within the scope of the "European Solidarity Program Volunteering" (ESC11) in the 2020 call, was held at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Conference hall on December 10th, 2021. Our University is a partner to the project from Turkey. Project coordinator Inst. Hiroko KAWAMORITA from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics gave information about the project. Hosted at OMU as a volunteer within the scope of the project, Citizen of France Marion Cohadon, shared her project and volunteering experience. Our students Alara Öztürk, Ebru Nur Aslan, Esad Sünnetçi, Manar Noser, Mukkaram Ejaz and Nouha Laffet, who volunteered in the implementation of the project, made an introductory presentation about European Solidarity Corps. In addition, Axel Ceron, a student of OMU from Mexico, shared his experiences about youth projects in their country. International Relations Office Responsible for ESC, Inst. Soner Çelik gave information about the duties of ESC Offices within the scope of the program. At the end of the conference, students' questions were answered.
As part of the promotion of the project and European Solidarity Corps, a stand was set up on the ground floor of the Faculty Building between December7 and 9, 2021 (3 days) by volunteering students.