Erasmus Ofisi | Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi


KA 131 Student Study Listen

All partner university students wishing to study at Ondokuz Mayıs University for one or two semesters under the Erasmus+ Program are always welcome.

Application procedures:   

Application deadlines:
Autumn Semester: 15 July  
Spring Semester: 15 November

► How to apply?
Congratulations on choosing OMU. Now you should turn to the international office and/or ERASMUS office of your home higher education institution. The office will not only inform you about the possibilities of studying abroad as well as the modalities to apply and to receive an ERASMUS grant, but also give you detailed information on the educational opportunities in OMU.

Language requirement: B1 English

Now that you have consulted your international and/or ERASMUS office of your home higher institution, you know the basic requirements and procedures. The following step in your application process is to fill in the forms given below and then sending them to the following address: 

Ondokuz Mayıs University
International Relations Office / Erasmus Office 
55200 TÜRKİYE  

►Essential forms:
1. Application Form
2. Learning Agreement 
3. Transcript of Records provided by your university 
4. Application for Accommodation and First Contact (This form is required if you wish to stay in the accommodation organised by our university)

Thank you for filling in the essential forms and posting them to OMU. Don't forget that we inform our dear ERASMUS students by email as soon as we receive their applications. 
Following the arrival of your documents, we contact your departmental coordinator and evaluate your application. The students whose applications are approved are provided with a Letter of Acceptance and the information package which is sent to the student’s home university international office. Your office will inform you once they receive your approved documents.


►Other important information:

1. General Academic Calendar 
2. Campus Map
3. English Courses
4. Dormitory Rules and Regulations
5. Coordinators
6. Student Guide
7. Facts
8. Olympic Swimming Pool Price List
9. OMU Erasmus Institutional Key Data
10. Samsun Guide
11. Sport Teams
12.Student Clubs


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